Harper Together was the inaugural staff conference at Harper Adams University, held in September 2023. It was a day of celebration, innovation, development, and training open to employees across the Harper Adams community.
The delegates, from across the food, farming, and environment sector were able to discuss the latest challenges and opportunities facing the industry.
Video Production Training
Brightest Bulb was asked to teach an introductory one-day iDEC video training course at the conference. The taster training was designed to give delegates the basic skills and knowledge they need to begin producing videos. Ten volunteers were tasked with working against the clock to make a video to be shown at the end of the day.
The course was well-received by the volunteers with many commenting on its practical and informative nature.
“It’s been intense! There’s lots of different things to learn and the buttons to press, it’s been really, really good, and I’ve really enjoyed it!” said one delegate. “I learned a lot about how to produce videos.”

Brightest Bulb was delighted to be asked to teach at Harper Adams University’s inaugural conference. The company is committed to providing high-quality video training to help businesses and organisations communicate their messages more effectively.
The Harper Together conference was designed to help employees get to know each other better, establish a stronger sense of community, and appreciate the bounty of talent across the university. It was also an opportunity for employees to connect with the goals set out in the university’s strategic plan and to develop some of the new skills required to achieve its future vision.
At the end of the short course, some of the delegates videos were shown in the main marquee.
Strong Sense of Community
Vice-Chancellor Professor Ken Sloan opened the conference by emphasising the importance of togetherness. He said that the conference was about “getting to know each other better to establish a stronger sense of community.” He also said that the university’s employees are its “strongest assets.”
Sloan acknowledged that not all employees would be able to attend the conference due to other commitments. He said that the university would be hosting other Harper Together events throughout the year.
The Harper Together conference is a positive development for Harper Adams University. It is an opportunity for employees to come together, learn from each other, and develop the skills they need to help the university achieve its goals.
Ongoing Relationship
Brightest Bulb and Harper Adams will continue to work together. They recently produced a high-profile landing video for the University which can be seen on their website.
For more information on iDEC smartphone video training, please see idec-video.com