iDEC Smartphone Video - OCF Student

The Learner Journey Part 1

People considering our iDEC smartphone video training often ask the same questions and share the same concerns…Is the course very technical?  Will I be able to Keep up?  What does the course cover?  What is iDEC?  What type of video’s will I be able to make? So, we thought the best thing is to make a series of short videos that follow the learner journey as they undertake our e-learning course. 

Susannah Hobbs, communications manager at Oxford Community Foundation, agreed to let us follow her learner journey to becoming an iDEC smartphone videographer.

The series will follow from her first morning, as she shares her anxieties and concerns at beginning her training.  We will hear her reaction as she develops her iDEC skills and begins to create montages and tell caption led stories in the form of video sequences.  

You will hear her thoughts as she begins the process of delivering a PTC (pieces to camera) and be with her as she conducts her first interview.  You will gain insight into the challenges of adding captions and music, learning to do two things at once and facing ‘the blank wall challenge’.  

You will hear her reflections on her learner journey and be with her as she takes all the key steps required to develop the skills to enable her to be capable of creating all the agile video content she is ever going to need to generate.

1. The Learner Journey: First Impressions

What is iDEC smartphone video training?

iDEC video training is a fool-proof method that can teach anyone to create compelling video content, using the smartphone in their pocket. It stands for Individual, Director, Editor, and Camera Person, and the training method has been specially developed by award-winning broadcast industry professionals who have extensive experience in tv programme-making and whose portfolios include the BBC, ITV, Discovery Channel, and ESPN.

iDEC video training is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical experience or budget. It is offered in a variety of formats, including online e-learning courses, hybrid courses with a combination of online and in-person training, and face-to-face classroom-based or live online webinar courses.

The iDEC video training courses cover all aspects of video production, from pre-production planning to shooting and editing.

Which iDEC course is right for you?

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